Monday, November 25, 2019
did i fail my test?
Today in human geo we took the religions test. I know for sure I got one question wrong because I over thought about it, but also we never learned what religion was formed in the seventh century. I think it was a trick question that you have to guess on, and I think it's unfair. Besides that question I think that I did good. Mr. Shick gave us extra time to study but no one could prepare for that trick question he put in it. There was NO way for us to know what that was except when I looked it up after I took the test. Also my laptop is really loud when i type so this is very embarrassing. That is all we did in class so I do not know what else to write. I actually have no idea what to type. I failed that test and so now I am doing really well. I also have an Algebra 2 test tomorrow and other stuff. My favorite class right now is Bible because we are watching the Bible show and Mr. Huber is so much fun. I hope my grade doesn't go down because of this test, and now Mr.Shick is talking about a pop quiz or something weird. I do not know what is going on, but I just want to finish this blog. We are playing a quiz on the differences between the Bible and Koran. I have got them all right but people will not listen to me.
Friday, November 22, 2019
Mr.Shick got a valentine from who?!?
Today in class we went over Sam's flashcards, and reviewed for the test. We also talked about how Mr.Shick almost died during a commercial he filmed because a helicopter crashed into the car he was in. If it wasn't for his big coat, he probably would've been seriously injured. While going through the flashcards we saw how Sam made some grammar mistakes, but she is basically the reason we will all get good grades on the test. We also learned about how Mr.Shick worked with Macaulay Culkin a lot and how he used to take care of him like get him food, take him where he needed to be, and etc. He talked about how Mac made him a valentine during the production of Uncle Buck, and how he still has it with him. He also talked about the irony of Home Alone and that while the movie was being produced, Mac's dad would leave him and his little brother in the hotel room alone while he got beers. He talked about how Mac's dad was really mean to him, and made him work all the time even if Mac was sick. It's interesting how Mr.Shick got to do all these cool movies and ride in helicopters.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
world religions part 1
Today in class we learned about the top world religions and took notes:
- # of adherents - 2.2 billion (largest)
- call them: Christians
- location: Europe, Americas, Southern Africa
- denominations: biggest one Catholic (lots of others)
- founder: Jesus Christ
- holy book: Bible, especially the NT (Gospels)
- beliefs: Jesus both human & divine - Son of God was crucified, died, buried, resurrected, and rose to heaven to be with his Father
- clergy:Pope is head of Catholic Church, priests are local authorities
- # of adherents: 1.5 billion
- call them: Muslims
- location: Indonesia, Middle East, North Africa
- denominations: Sunnis (75-90%) Shiites (10-20%)
- founder: Muhammad (570-632)
- book: Quran (Koran)
- beliefs: monotheistic, Abrahamic; Five Pillars(testimony,prayer,alms-giving,fasting,and pilgrimage) See their purpose in life as serving and submitting to allah(their god) and Islamic law
- # of adherents: 1.1 billion
- call them:Hindus
- location: India, Nepal
- book: the Vedas - eternal truths revealed to ancient sages; composed in verse form (meant to sing and memorize)
- founder: none - series of intellectual or philosophical points of view, rather than a strict set of beliefs probably the oldest extant religion, more of a life style & faith than religion
- # of adherents: 500 million to 1.5 (practice it but follow other religions)
- call them: Buddhists
- location: Southeast Asia, China, Nepal, Japan (1.2 million in the U.S.)
- denominations: Tibetan, Zen, Theravada, Amidst
- founder: Siddhartha Gautama
- Four Noble Truths:
- there is suffering
- attachment to desire is the origin of suffering
- there is a cessation of suffering
- eight fold path will lead to cessation of suffering
- The Eight-Fold Path
- Right view
- Right intention
- Right speech
- Right action
- Right livelihood
- Right effort
- Right mindfulness
- Right dedication
- The after this....Nirvana!!!!!!
- # of adherents: 14 - 18 million (ninth biggest religion)
- call them: Jews
- location: Israel (6.4 million, 75.4%), US(5.3-7 million, 1.7% - 2.6%)
- founder: Abraham
- book: Torah
- beliefs: ethical monotheism - God is one, concerned with actions of human kind, Ten Commandments, 13 principles of faith
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Pyramid tests back
Today in class we went over our tests. I got a 95% on it, but I probably should’ve got higher because I got an easy question right. I had to leave class early to go to an orthodontist appointment, and all I did were X-Rays. We also learned that exams are in 4 weeks, which is actually really close. I will probably start studying for them later though. For the test I didn’t really study but I probably should’ve look at the settlement and billions chart more. I don’t know what we are going to learn next in human geo because there is not that much to know about it. We’ve basically already learned everything about it like culture and population. Whatever we learn about though will be a surprise since I don’t know what we would learn. We don’t have geo tomorrow which is sad because human geo is a good class. Last class we learned about nrwl or something like that which is a dog with a tail on his head. The puppy is really cute but it’s weird how his tail is there, and I want to see in the future if it grows with him or not.
Monday, November 18, 2019
population pyramid and settlement test
Today we took the population, settlement, and pyramids test. Overall I think I did good, but also got a few wrong. Some of the questions on the test were ones you couldn't study for and had make an educated guess for which I do not like. A few of the questions were really hard and I will probably get like an 89% on the test, which will lower my grade. I really hope that I got a good grade on the test, but if I didn't I would not be surprised. Even though I studied all my notes the questions did not match them and the population pyramids looked weird. I just took my test and right now the dance teacher is talking about how they are going to film a dance thing. I used to do dance when I was little, and I was the best one in my class. I was the lollipop girl in the Candy land play, but a few months after that I quit dance. I would refuse to do dance even if I was offered a thousand dollars. Giada is still double checking her test and she is the only one left working on it. Also google wants me to say Gilda instead of Giada which is weird.
Friday, November 15, 2019
Today in class we went over the Tech Ed video for our test on Monday. The video showed different countries and their population pyramids, and described the different kinds of pyramids. The video also described the different parts of a population pyramid. I didn’t have to take notes because I already took notes last time, but I marked the stuff that would be important for the test. In class we also watched Jeopardy and saw how an 11th grade physics teacher won in the semi-finals. He bet a lot of money and was the only one to get the bonus question right. While watching the whole thing it took us a good amount of time to get each question, but we got quite a few of them right, and I think we did good. I got sad when Mr.Schick mentioned how the Jeopardy host has cancer and this might be his last season ever hosting. He told us how sad it was when a contestant didn’t know an answer so he wrote “we love you”. And the host was really sad, but I forgot the hosts name and now I feel bad.
Wednesday, November 13, 2019
its pronounced "Tan-za-ne-a"
Today we presented our slides on Italy and Tanzania. I think we did really good and solved Italy's and Tanzania's problems. Dan and I did Tanzania and Giada and Brenna did Italy. Here was the slide I presented with Tanzania's solution:
- A fact from that shows what could help and possibly save Tanzania is “Tanzania has achieved high growth rates based on its vast natural resource wealth and tourism with GDP growth in 2009-17 averaging 6%-7% per year.”
- This means if Tanzania expands and advertises their country and its natural resources, then their tourism industry could expand and their GDP could grow a lot more.
- Like said before, Tanzania has completed its transition to a market economy which is a good step to take for their tourism industry, but also good for them to produce and sell products. If more people are making money
- Tanzania also has a lot of potential to produce gold and sell it, and we got this information from this line from and it states “gold production in recent years has increased to about 35% of exports”.”
- If Tanzania did these things there would be more job oppurtunites for everyone, less poverty, better GDP (per capita), more money to make Tanzania better like beter education and transportation systems, be able to afford drinkable water, and after awhile the government wont hvae to lease Tanzania because Tanzanians will be able to buy it back.
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
presentation day (except my groups)
Today in class 3/4 groups did their presentations and they were all good. I was the fact checker and it was funny when Izzy claimed the net migration rate for 0 and Mr.Shick didn’t believe it so we checked and it was 0. The Colombia and Germany presentation were not that good only because their information wasn’t correct and very confusing. They said the problem with Colombia is their drug sales, but their solution was to make more drugs. Also I looked it up and most people in Colombia are farmers or social service workers and not drug dealers, so that tells me they didn’t research well. For Germany their solution was really weird and their problem wasn’t good. Germany’s unemployment rate is actually really low and their population is actually decreasing, so if Germany stops bringing people in their population will decrease anymore.
Monday, November 11, 2019
Worked on presentation
Today in class we worked more on our presentation. When trying to find a problem for Italy we saw that it had a poverty rate of above 30% which is a lot of people. We also saw that Italy was in lots of debt but that was too confusing for us to do. Here are some of the things I researched and added:
- GDP per capita is $3200
- Tanzania has largely completed its transition to a market economy, though the government retains a presence in sectors such as telecommunications, banking, energy, and mining.
- 44.4% of the country has unimproved water
- Risk of disease is considered very high
- 22.8% of the population is below the poverty line
- In 2013, Tanzania completed the world's largest Millennium Challenge Compact (MCC) grant, worth $698 million, but in late 2015, the MCC Board of Directors deferred a decision to renew Tanzania’s eligibility because of irregularities in voting in Zanzibar and concerns over the government's use of a controversial cybercrime bill.
Thursday, November 7, 2019
Project Time!!!!!
Today in class we got ready for our project. Each group of four or five has to pick two countries to do it on; a developing country and a post-industrialized country. I was chosen as one of the captains and got last pick, which led me to make some wacky team decisions. The whole rest of the class my team fought and I soon realized I definitely picked the wrong people to be on a team together, but I think we will work well together and get over messing up the google slides. For the developing country we chose Tanzania, which is where my step mom went to climb Mount Kilimanjaro. When she was there she saw lots of poverty and dirt roads, but also lots of kids which made me think that it was a good developing country to do. Our post-industrialized country was Italy for Giada because her and her family are from Italy, and Italy’s population is barley rising. It will be hard to find solutions for both of these countries (especially Italy) , but I think we can do it.
Yesterday’s blog
Yesterday I forgot to submit my blog, and I just saw that I did not do that, so now I’m going to actually submit it.
Today in class we did a Population and Migration review. We learned that our mid-terms are in about 6 weeks, and then we have Christmas break. I’m nervous for the mid-terms because they count for such a big grade and every class is giving them, so that means I have to study for every class. We had a shadow named Addison who knew a lot of the questions, and answered really well. Karlee and Reagan came back from the music man and were asked surprise questions in the middle of their conversation with Mr. Shick. I got asked one about life expectancy and I got it right. We went over the population and migration terms to review it one last time before we went on to the next unit. We also heard about an idea Mr.Shick had about having the 2nd quarter end before Christmas break and I really like that idea.
Today in class we did a Population and Migration review. We learned that our mid-terms are in about 6 weeks, and then we have Christmas break. I’m nervous for the mid-terms because they count for such a big grade and every class is giving them, so that means I have to study for every class. We had a shadow named Addison who knew a lot of the questions, and answered really well. Karlee and Reagan came back from the music man and were asked surprise questions in the middle of their conversation with Mr. Shick. I got asked one about life expectancy and I got it right. We went over the population and migration terms to review it one last time before we went on to the next unit. We also heard about an idea Mr.Shick had about having the 2nd quarter end before Christmas break and I really like that idea.
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
CIA assignment
5 Facts :
1. A fact that interested me is that Afghanistan has an infant mortality rate of 108.50 / 1000 live births. This relates to what we have been learning because this shows that a lot of the babies in Afghanistan have been dying, so their youth population is probably lower than their adult population. It scares me how many that many babies can die, but according to most people in Afghanistan are poor and don’t have good medical care.
2. The second fact that interested me was that the Unites States is only number 45 on the highest life expectancy list, which means 44 countries have a higher life expectancy than us. I wouldn’t expect this because the U.S. has really good healthcare and technologies to keep people alive. This relates with what we have been learning because we have been talking about life expectancy a of different countries and how in 1810 every country in the world had a life expectancy of 40 or below.
3. The third fact that interested me was that Central African Republic has a GDP (per capita) of $700. This interests me because I couldn’t imagine being in a country only making that much money, and this shows how most African countries don’t make that much money and are below most of the world which is what we have learned about.
4. The fourth fact that interested me was that Cocos island has a population growth of 0. It also only has a population of 596 people which is the second smallest in the world. The population growth at 0 means no one is being born or dying there, which is very rare in our world. We have learned about population growth in class but I have never seen a country with one at 0.
5. The last fact that interested me was that Niger has a total fertility rate of 6.35 babies / woman. That surprised me because that is a lot of babies for just one woman, but I remember learning in class that most African countries have really high fertility rates because they can’t access things like birth control , and they are developing nations.
Population Pyramid Predictions:
1. Niger
Prediction: I think Nigers population is rising rapidly
Answer: Correct
2. El Salvador
Prediction: I think El Salvador’s population is rising slowly.
Answer: Correct, right now it’s population is rising really slow but it will soon decrease (around 2055).
3. Germany
Prediction: I think Germany’s population is rising very slowly.
Answer: Incorrect, it’s population is decreasing.
4. Norway
Prediction: I think it’s population is rising fast.
Answer: Correct
5. Costa Rica
Prediction: I think Costa Rica’s population is slowly rising.
Answer: Correct, but in 2050 it will start decreasing.
1. A fact that interested me is that Afghanistan has an infant mortality rate of 108.50 / 1000 live births. This relates to what we have been learning because this shows that a lot of the babies in Afghanistan have been dying, so their youth population is probably lower than their adult population. It scares me how many that many babies can die, but according to most people in Afghanistan are poor and don’t have good medical care.
2. The second fact that interested me was that the Unites States is only number 45 on the highest life expectancy list, which means 44 countries have a higher life expectancy than us. I wouldn’t expect this because the U.S. has really good healthcare and technologies to keep people alive. This relates with what we have been learning because we have been talking about life expectancy a of different countries and how in 1810 every country in the world had a life expectancy of 40 or below.
3. The third fact that interested me was that Central African Republic has a GDP (per capita) of $700. This interests me because I couldn’t imagine being in a country only making that much money, and this shows how most African countries don’t make that much money and are below most of the world which is what we have learned about.
4. The fourth fact that interested me was that Cocos island has a population growth of 0. It also only has a population of 596 people which is the second smallest in the world. The population growth at 0 means no one is being born or dying there, which is very rare in our world. We have learned about population growth in class but I have never seen a country with one at 0.
5. The last fact that interested me was that Niger has a total fertility rate of 6.35 babies / woman. That surprised me because that is a lot of babies for just one woman, but I remember learning in class that most African countries have really high fertility rates because they can’t access things like birth control , and they are developing nations.
Population Pyramid Predictions:
1. Niger
Prediction: I think Nigers population is rising rapidly
Answer: Correct
2. El Salvador
Prediction: I think El Salvador’s population is rising slowly.
Answer: Correct, right now it’s population is rising really slow but it will soon decrease (around 2055).
3. Germany
Prediction: I think Germany’s population is rising very slowly.
Answer: Incorrect, it’s population is decreasing.
4. Norway
Prediction: I think it’s population is rising fast.
Answer: Correct
5. Costa Rica
Prediction: I think Costa Rica’s population is slowly rising.
Answer: Correct, but in 2050 it will start decreasing.
Friday, November 1, 2019
another pop quiz
Today in class we had a pop quiz and re-watched the Hans video. I got a 10/10 on the pop quiz and thought it was easy. Most people in my class did not get a 10/10 because they did life span and income instead of life expectancy and GDP per capita. We also talked about Mr. Shicks experience with I ran and how he had someone who went to his community college in Oregon (he was president of student government) and he had a Iranian governors daughter move there because the Iranian government was taken over and they had to sneak out before they were killed. This story was very interesting and I almost did not believe it. The fact that it happened at a small community college in Oregon is crazy, and how the family was always ready to move back to Iran and regain their palace and servants.
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