Thursday, November 21, 2019

world religions part 1

Today in class we learned about the top world religions and took notes:


  • # of adherents - 2.2 billion (largest)
  • call them: Christians
  • location: Europe, Americas, Southern Africa
  • denominations: biggest one Catholic (lots of others)
  • founder: Jesus Christ
  • holy book: Bible, especially the NT (Gospels)
  • beliefs: Jesus both human & divine - Son of God was crucified, died, buried, resurrected, and rose to heaven to be with his Father
  • clergy:Pope is head of Catholic Church, priests are local authorities
  • # of adherents: 1.5 billion
  • call them: Muslims
  • location: Indonesia, Middle East, North Africa
  • denominations: Sunnis (75-90%) Shiites (10-20%)
  • founder: Muhammad (570-632)
  • book: Quran (Koran)
  • beliefs: monotheistic, Abrahamic; Five Pillars(testimony,prayer,alms-giving,fasting,and pilgrimage) See their purpose in life as serving and submitting to allah(their god) and Islamic law
  • # of adherents: 1.1 billion
  • call them:Hindus
  • location: India, Nepal
  • book: the Vedas - eternal truths revealed to ancient sages; composed in verse form (meant to sing and memorize)
  • founder: none - series of intellectual or philosophical points of view, rather than a strict set of beliefs probably the oldest extant religion, more of a life style & faith than religion
  • # of adherents: 500 million to 1.5 (practice it but follow other religions)
  • call them: Buddhists
  • location: Southeast Asia, China, Nepal, Japan (1.2 million in the U.S.)
  • denominations: Tibetan, Zen, Theravada, Amidst
  • founder: Siddhartha Gautama
  • Four Noble Truths:
    • there is suffering
    • attachment to desire is the origin of suffering
    • there is a cessation of suffering
    • eight fold path will lead to cessation of suffering
  • The Eight-Fold Path
    • Right view
    • Right intention
    • Right speech
    • Right action
    • Right livelihood
    • Right effort
    • Right mindfulness
    • Right dedication
  • The after this....Nirvana!!!!!!
  • # of adherents: 14 - 18 million (ninth biggest religion)
  • call them: Jews
  • location: Israel (6.4 million, 75.4%), US(5.3-7 million, 1.7% - 2.6%)
  • founder: Abraham
  • book: Torah
  • beliefs: ethical monotheism - God is one, concerned with actions of human kind, Ten Commandments, 13 principles of faith

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