Thursday, December 12, 2019
essay test tomorrow
Today in class I worked on my essay. We got a note card and I am so thankful because it will really help me during the essay test. This is what I typed in class: When a country starts to become more economically advanced, people start having a lot less kids. This means that the country's birth rate is rapidly declining while the death rate is moderately declining. As the gap between the birth rate and death rate narrows, the natural rate of increase is a lot smaller than stage two but still keeps growing. The birth rate starts falling due to things like people moving into urban areas instead of rural areas and not having space for kids, how kids are a lot more expensive to raise, better chances of your child surviving, and a lot of countries having new child labor laws and not letting their children work as much. Stage three countries have more money for improvements on their education, transportation, and economical systems. As a country gets more and more advanced, they start to transition from stage three to stage four. As a country enters stage four, their birth rate is very low but their death rate is low or slightly increasing. Some stage four countries are the U.S.A, Canada, and Australia. Stage four has either a stable or negative natural increase rate, and this is also called zero population growth or zpg. ZPG happens when the birth rate is still slightly higher than the death rate because some females die before reaching childbearing years, and the
Tuesday, December 10, 2019
5 paragraph essay starter
Today in class we started typing our 5 paragraph essay that we have to write long handed on Friday. It is going to be horrible. Here is how I started my draft: Have you ever wondered how the USA will change in hundreds of years? There is one thing that could show us that. The Demographic Transition is a model that shows the changes in a country's population. This model can be divided into 4 or 5 stages and every country is in one of these stages, except no country is still in stage one. As a country economically advances it goes through the different stages. Each stage shows the connection between a country's birth and death rates, and how much that country has grown. The Demographic Transition model shows us how some countries' populations are increasing, slowly increasing, stable, and maybe even decreasing. There are lots of theories about the Demographic Transition like what will happen after stage five? Will we face overpopulation? Will all countries make it to stage 5 or go back stages? Before we try to come face-to-face with these questions, we must first understand each part of the Demographic Transition.The first countries to enter stage two were the US and countries in Western Europe. They entered stage two because of the Industrial Revolution, which involved major imp rovements in manufacturing goods and delivering them to market. This revolution concluded in a lot of wealth for these countries which let them improve on things like medicine, housing, transportation, and more. While North America and Europe were going through this revolution around the mid-1700’s; all the other countries were still in stage one until the 1950’s. Around 1950 all other places like Asia, Africa, and Latin America made the transition to stage two because of the medical revolution. The medical revolution was when Europe and North America invented medical technology
Monday, December 9, 2019
it is very cold in here
Today we took the demographic transition test and it was a lot harder than I thought. Its ironic because whenever we would watch the khan academy video Mr.Shick would skip over the math things on it, but on the test there were a bunch a math questions and it really confused me. I was the last one done because I having trouble on another question about who entered the industrial revolution in the mid-1700's. I chose the U.S.A because in the worksheet it said that the US and western Europe were the first ones to do it, but I was also about to chose Sweden. If I got it wrong I will be really mad because this is our last quarter grade and determines whether I get an A or B. I also studied all last mod but out of everything I studied, almost none of it was on the test. I feel like the two or three weeks in between thanksgiving and Christmas break are the hardest because teachers are trying to get ready to give exams and we are trying to get ready to take them. Also the amount of homework we receive increases and also the amount of tests and quizzes we get increases. I am very cold in here because i don't have my coat with me, so that is super fun.
Friday, December 6, 2019
test on monday
Today in class we went over stuff we need to know for the test. Right now we are talking about clay face masks for Mr.Shicks wife. We went over this chart in class.

for just a review about a part I will probably struggle with, The demographic transition is a process of change in a society's population from high crude birth and death rates and low rate of natural increase to a condition of low crude birth and death rates, low natural increase, and higher total population. For most of human history we were in stage one of the demographic transition, but now no country is in that phase and have moved to stage two. The first countries to stage two were Europe and North America and they got there after 1750, as a result of the industrial revolution, which involved major improvements in manufacturing goods and delivering them to market. The rest of the world like Africa, Asia, and Latin America did not enter until 1950 and this was because of the medical revolution. Medical technology invented in Europe and North America has diffused to developing countries.

for just a review about a part I will probably struggle with, The demographic transition is a process of change in a society's population from high crude birth and death rates and low rate of natural increase to a condition of low crude birth and death rates, low natural increase, and higher total population. For most of human history we were in stage one of the demographic transition, but now no country is in that phase and have moved to stage two. The first countries to stage two were Europe and North America and they got there after 1750, as a result of the industrial revolution, which involved major improvements in manufacturing goods and delivering them to market. The rest of the world like Africa, Asia, and Latin America did not enter until 1950 and this was because of the medical revolution. Medical technology invented in Europe and North America has diffused to developing countries.
Wednesday, December 4, 2019
Video Assignment
Khan Academy Video:
1. I learned that the population pyramid for stage 1 is like a triangle because there are lots of kids, but only a few people that live to be old.
2. I learned that in stage four not many kids are being born because they are more women in the work force and couples are deciding to focus on their careers over having children.
3. I learned that some people think the world will be forced to stabilize as the Malthusian theory suggests because of a shortage of supplies like food and water.
Dr. Kim video:
1. I learned that before the industrial revolution the population grew by only 67,000 people per year, but now we gain that many people in 6-7 hours.
2. I learned that in a lot of countries women used to be defined by how many children she had, especially if they were boys because they would need the boys to take over the family businesses and they were better assets for helping the family with work.
3. I learned about Lester Browns theory. Lester Brown warns us of the risk of a demographic trap which means instead of transitioning to stage 3 & 4; a region can get overwhelmed by people and go beyond its caring capacity. When this happens they could run out of necessities like food, water, housing, etc. and get pushed back to stage 1.
Why Populations Grow video:
1. I learned that natural increase rate and net migration rate are the two main factors that influence population change.
2. I learned that high death rates in pre-industrialized countries or now less economically developed countries are due to lack of heath care, rampant disease, famine, the lack of clean water and sanitation, wars, or the lack of education.
3. I learned that a few countries have already hit stage 5 of the demographic transition and have a fertility rate of less than 2.1, but have managed to maintain their population through immigration.
1. I learned that the population pyramid for stage 1 is like a triangle because there are lots of kids, but only a few people that live to be old.
2. I learned that in stage four not many kids are being born because they are more women in the work force and couples are deciding to focus on their careers over having children.
3. I learned that some people think the world will be forced to stabilize as the Malthusian theory suggests because of a shortage of supplies like food and water.
Dr. Kim video:
1. I learned that before the industrial revolution the population grew by only 67,000 people per year, but now we gain that many people in 6-7 hours.
2. I learned that in a lot of countries women used to be defined by how many children she had, especially if they were boys because they would need the boys to take over the family businesses and they were better assets for helping the family with work.
3. I learned about Lester Browns theory. Lester Brown warns us of the risk of a demographic trap which means instead of transitioning to stage 3 & 4; a region can get overwhelmed by people and go beyond its caring capacity. When this happens they could run out of necessities like food, water, housing, etc. and get pushed back to stage 1.
Why Populations Grow video:
1. I learned that natural increase rate and net migration rate are the two main factors that influence population change.
2. I learned that high death rates in pre-industrialized countries or now less economically developed countries are due to lack of heath care, rampant disease, famine, the lack of clean water and sanitation, wars, or the lack of education.
3. I learned that a few countries have already hit stage 5 of the demographic transition and have a fertility rate of less than 2.1, but have managed to maintain their population through immigration.
Tuesday, December 3, 2019
Stage five?????
Today in class we watched more videos on the demographic transition and went over the packet we read yesterday. Some people still didn't know there was a stage 5 so i had to tell everyone about it. Stage 5 is a stage that has not yet been put on the demographic transition, but its when there is a negative natural increase and has a bigger death rate then birth rate. A lot of countries are moving to this stage including countries like Japan,Germany, and Italy. Even the USA is heading in the stage 5 direction and will be there soon. We watched two videos today one with a doctor named Kim who Mr.Shick kept making fun of, and one from Khan Academy that Mr.Shick said was a boy or girl. Since he did not want to assume the speakers gender he called her "they", and he also got really excited every time she did a population pyramid for each of the 5 stages. He would always pause the video and say "Whatttttttttttt!!!!!!!!!". After a while it became a recurring theme or a motif and the class started saying it too. By the time we were at stage 5 we all knew what to say and it was very funny.
Monday, December 2, 2019
The Demographic Transition
Today in class we got our religion tests back. I got a 96% on the test and the one I thought I got wrong was wrong. Now that I think about it, it is not that hard of a question, but we never went over it in class. While we were looking over the tests Griffins shadow Avery from Fallston middle answered a lot of the questions correctly. He told us how his teachers do no like him because he talks too much. I am also watching NFL rewind and think it's really cool how a punter threw the football to the kicker for a touchdown. In class we learned that we will have a test on the demographic transition Monday, and we will have an essay due after all of our exams. The demographic transition is a process of change in a society's population from high crude birth and death rates and low rate of natural increase to a condition of low crude birth and death rates, low natural increase, and higher total population. For most of human history we were in stage one of the demographic transition, but now no country is in that phase and have moved to stage two. The first countries to stage two were Europe and North America and they got there after 1750, as a result of the industrial revolution, which involved major improvements in manufacturing goods and delivering them to market. The rest of the world like Africa, Asia, and Latin America did not enter until 1950 and this was because of the medical revolution. Medical technology invented in Europe and North America has diffused to developing countries. Improved medical practices have eliminated many of the traditional causes of death in developing countries and enabled people to experience longer and healthier lives. There are also stages 3 and 4 of the demographic transition. I did not say this before but stage 1 had a very high CBR, very high CDR, and very low NIR. Stage two had a high CBR, rapidly decling CDR, and very high NIR. Stage three has a rapidly declining CBR, moderatley declining CDR, and moderate NIR. In stage three the population still grows but not as much as stage 2 because the gap between CBR and CDR narrows. Stage 3 societies induce people to have fewer children because people are more likely to live in cities where it costs more to have children and there is not as much room there as there is in the country side for kids. By the way CBR means crude birth rate, CDR means crude death rate, and NIR means nautral increase rate. Stage 4 has a very low CBR, low or slightly increasing CDR, and zero or negative NIR. I will talk more about stages 4 and 5 in the next blog (maybe).
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