Thursday, December 12, 2019

essay test tomorrow

Today in class I worked on my essay. We got a note card and I am so thankful because it will really help me during the essay test. This is what I typed in class: When a country starts to become more economically advanced, people start having a lot less kids. This means that the country's birth rate is rapidly declining while the death rate is moderately declining. As the gap between the birth rate and death rate narrows, the natural rate of increase is a lot smaller than stage two but still keeps growing. The birth rate starts falling due to things like people moving into urban areas instead of rural areas and not having space for kids, how kids are a lot more expensive to raise, better chances of your child surviving, and a lot of countries having new child labor laws and not letting their children work as much. Stage three countries have more money for improvements on their education, transportation, and economical systems. As a country gets more and more advanced, they start to transition from stage three to stage four. As a country enters stage four, their birth rate is very low but their death rate is low or slightly increasing. Some stage four countries are the U.S.A, Canada, and Australia. Stage four has either a stable or negative natural increase rate, and this is also called zero population growth or zpg. ZPG happens when the birth rate is still slightly higher than the death rate because some females die before reaching childbearing years, and the

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