Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Video Assignment

Khan Academy Video:

1. I learned that the population pyramid for stage 1 is like a triangle because there are lots of kids, but only a few people that live to be old.

2. I learned that in stage four not many kids are being born because they are more women in the work force and couples are deciding to focus on their careers over having children.

3. I learned that some people think the world will be forced to stabilize as the Malthusian theory suggests because of a shortage of supplies like food and water.

Dr. Kim video:   

1.  I learned that before the industrial revolution the population grew by only 67,000 people per year, but now we gain that many people in 6-7 hours.

2. I learned that in a lot of countries women used to be defined by how many children she had, especially if they were boys because they would need the boys to take over the family businesses and they were better assets for helping the family with work.

3. I learned about Lester Browns theory. Lester Brown warns us of the risk of a demographic trap which means instead of transitioning to stage 3 & 4; a region can get overwhelmed by people and go beyond its caring capacity. When this happens they could run out of necessities like food, water, housing, etc. and get pushed back to stage 1.

Why Populations Grow video:

1. I learned that natural increase rate and net migration rate are the two main factors that influence population change.

2. I learned that high death rates in pre-industrialized countries or now less economically developed countries are due to lack of heath care, rampant disease, famine, the lack of clean water and sanitation, wars, or the lack of education.

3. I learned that a few countries have already hit stage 5 of the demographic transition and have a fertility rate of less than 2.1, but have managed to maintain their population through immigration.

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