Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Caesar salad

My class ,Honors 201, tests from 1:25-2:15 pm on Tue Jun 2. 

The Roman government appealed to the plebeians by giving them grain from the state and entertainment. The grain helped to keep them alive and somewhat happy, while the entertainment from the Circus Maximus and the Colosseum kept them alive, quiet, and distracted. Tiberius Gracchus was a ruler who saw the potential of plebeians, but did not win their favor. The plebeians started to join certain parts of the military and become loyal to their generals because the generals offered them some land and riches. Julius Caesar was a successful general and conquered all of Gaul. Julius Caesar formed the First Triumvirate with general Pompey and rich man Crassus. Caesar becoeme a consul for one year and then appointed himself govenor of Gual because he rightfully conqured it. Because of this, Pompey became his rival and Caesar’s armies clashed with Pompey’s in Greece, Asia, Spain, and Egypt. Caesar best Pompey and named himself dictator for a few months in 44 B.C., but later named himself dictator for life. Caesar made great reforms like granted citizenship to people in provinces, expanded the Senate, adding his friends, created jobs for the poor, especially through public works projects, increased pay for soldiers, and started colonies where those without land could own property. The senators thought that they would lose their political power because of Caesar so killed him by luring him to a room and stabbing him 23 times. The senators didn't know it yet, but they would soon truly be out of their jobs and face the new triumvirate.

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