Wednesday, March 18, 2020

Athen's plan paragraph

The Pelopinesian War started between the Spartans and the Athenians. Sparta started to invade Athens and burn their crops, but Athenians were stuck behind the walls of the city. Pericles's plan was to hide behind the walls and wait out the Spartans, since the Spartans were more experienced fighters on land. The Athenians was forced to rely on shipments from overseas to supply them with food and other essentials. The only problem with Pericles's plan is that he was not prepared for the consequences of overcrowding the city. An illness fell over Athens ;which was described to have symptoms of inflammation of the eyes, violent heats around the head, and incontrollable diarrhea. Over 1/3 of Athens died from the sickness. After six months of having the illness, Pericles died in 429 B.C.. The death of Pericles had a huge effect on the Athenian people and it started to cause chaos. Men from all over Athens tried to gain the favor of the people and become the next ruler. These men would do anything the people wanted as long as it would give them power. The democracy of Athens had a chance of turning into mob-rule. Athens was too busy fighting an internal war that they were not focused on the threat outside of theri walls.

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