The world has had to adjust to being online. Schools all over the world are forced to either close or have cyber school. The John Carroll School decided to have cyber school, and although it has been hard, it is worth having. Students and teachers have both had to face new challenges with cyber school. A lot of students are getting more work then they used to, have to learn in an entirely differnt waythan they are used to, and have the ability to easily cheat on assignments that they shouldn't cheat on. Teachers are also getting more work with grading assignments, they have to change all of their lesson plans and adapt them to cyber school, and might be tempted to take shortcuts in grading. Cyber school is difficult because there is definetly a temptaion of cheating a lot, but I try not to because I would rather learn the material and come back to school ready for tests. A lot of my fellow students cheat, and I feel bad because they are not learning and will not be prepared when we go back to school. The workload for teachers and students has been a lot more than expected, but I think we are prepared to do it. Cyber school hs forced students and teacher to quickly adjuct to a new way of learning and teaching, which is hard for a lot of people. Although school's are facing the new challenge of online teaching, cyber school has taught a lot of students that they should be grateful for having school outside of a computer. Before the shut downs, all students wanted was to get out of school and have off. Now this break has shown students how much we miss real school. Mr. Shick asked "Does living in a time of crisis change who we are, or how well we behave, or alter our essential nature? Do we take advantage of a bad situation to become...bad?". I think that this break does not affect who we are, and especially students at John Carroll because we are strong and have good morals. This is definetly a bad situation, but I think that it makes our school community bond and helps us realize how much we all miss physical school. The coronavirus epidemic changed everything about the way we learn and teach, and it is human to adpat to these new challenges. The virus is dangerous and we are all doing a good thing by staying in our homes. Cyber school has lots of challenges, but having it is the right thing to do. John Carroll has showed us that we should stay strong during this time and learn everything we can through the challenges of the big work loads, temptations to cheat, the new learning situations we all have to adjust to. Even through all of this, I feel closer to the school community because we are all going through the same situtaions.
Tuesday, March 31, 2020
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This is a very thoughtful, very reflective essay. Thank you for sharing your thoughts, and for restoring my faith in you guys!