Wednesday, January 29, 2020

test day

Today we had our first Western Civ test. Overall it was easy and I think I did really good on it. The only thing I know I got wrong was the spelling of ziggurat because I spelled it as ziggarat. We also had ten minutes before class to study for the test. After we took the test, we started to take notes on chapter 2. It’s about Egypt and it’s environment. The part I took notes on is about how the Nile was the reason Egypt was able to be civilized in the first place, because it fertilized a small part of the desert land for them to live. It gave the silt to grow crops on and allowed them to irrigate the crops during the fall and winter. The Nile also had some disadvantages like how if it flooded a few inches less then usual, then less crops could grow and thousands of people would starve. If the Nile flooded a few inches more than usual, then it could destroy houses and granaries. It also only provided a thin strip of fertile land and it was surrounded by desert so they could really talk to or communicate with other places.

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