Friday, October 18, 2019

immigration vs emigration

Today we talked about population, core birth rate, core death rate, immigration, and emigration. We learned how some countries have a higher death rate then they do a birth rate, but most countries have a higher birth rate. We looked at the CIA website and found information on lots of different countries and their birth and death rates. We found out the the top 30 countries with the highest birth rates are almost all developing countries in Africa. Today before class we took a look at Mr. Shicks blog and learned that we have a test next week on this information, and he said this on his blog:
"Want to know what important terms will be on the next test? Here's a few!

Crude Death Rate     Total Fertility Rate      Crude Birth Rate 

Unemployment Rate Net Migration Rate Population Growth Rate

Infant Mortality Rate    Maternal Mortality Rate   Rate of Natural Increase

Life Expectancy     GDP Per Capita     Population Pyramid "

We have already earned about 2/3 of these topics, like today we learned about Rate of Natural Increase. Some countries have a negative one, and some have a positive one depending on the birth and death rates. We also learned about immigration and how that is how many people are going into your country and emigration is how many leave it. Some countries are positive have have lots of immigrants coming, but some are negative and have more people leaving than coming in.

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