Monday, September 30, 2019

Is it Soda or Pop? (Coke?)

Today we started learning about longitude and latitude. We started off class learning we have a quiz tomorrow, but if I study for it then it will be easy. It is also the start of mid-quarter grades and except for the two late blogs, I have done everything else on time in this class. Here are some of the notes I took on today's power point presentation:

Grids and Time Zones: ways of describing where things are
GEOGRAPHY - study of where things are found on Earths surface and the reasons for the locations

  1. Where are people and activities found on Earth?
  2. Why are they found there?
MAP - two-dimensional or flat surface model of Earths surface
CARTOGRAPHY - art & science of map making

Maps Purposes
  1. As a reference tool to identify an objects absolute and relative location
  2. As a communications tool to convey the distribution of human activities or physical features
ABSOLUTE LOCATION: Position as expressed in degrees, minutes, and seconds of latitude(North or South of the equator) and longitude(East or West of Prime Meridian)

RELATIVE LOCATION: regional position or situation of a place relative to position of other places

LATITUDE - geographic coordinate that specifies the north-south position of a point on Earths surface (measured by invisible lines parallel to equator

Significant Parallels
Arctic Circle
Tropic of Cancer
Tropic of Capricorn
Antarctic Circle

LONGITUDE - geographic coordinate that specifies the east-west position on a point (measured by imaginary lines; runs through poles)

  • Prime Meridian passes through Greenwich, England, given 0 degree longitude
  • Measures degrees east or west from Prime Meridian

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