Monday, September 9, 2019

Excellence Notes Continued

Today I learned that you can't do your blog over the weekend so right now I have a C. I know it will go up, but its very nerve wrecking seeing my grade that low. We also found out that we have a test on Friday! In class we took notes on the rest of the power point, so here it is:


  • Perihelion - point when a planet is closest to the sun, therefore at its brightest
  • Slipshod - careless, lackadaisical
  • Imbecility - incapability, stupidity
  • Stenographer - person who takes dictation in shorthand (like a secretary/ writes fast)
"What is Initiative? I'll tell you: It is doing the right thing without being told"


  • excellence of any kind
  • moral virtue
  • fulfillment of purpose or function
  • but mostly...
  • The act of living up to one's full potential
More about it
  • arete involves all of the abilities and potentialities available to humans
  • the highest human potential is knowledge - all other human abilities are derived from this
  • if arete is knowledge and study, then  the highest human knowledge is knowledge about knowledge itself

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