Tuesday, June 2, 2020

My Last Blog // Letter to my future self

Dear old Gabby,

This year has been one of the most surpring and craziest years ever!!!(and it is only the beginning of the year). The beginning of the school year was pretty normal and fun. I made a lot of friends, played soccer, joined a few clubs, and more. Everything was going good until 2020 started. Everyone on social media said it was going to be the best year ever, but they were horribly wrong. First, corona virus started in Wuhan,China causing thousands of people to die. The Corona virus spread throughout the world and has infected thousands of people. It has effected millions and billions of people though by making countries lock-down and telling people to stay inside. It was also weird that our last day of school was Friday the 13th. We have been shut down for longer than summer break usually goes, so about more than 3 months. My first bizarre experience was going to a normal store and having to wear a mask while social distancing. Even three to four months in, it still feels surreal. I hope that we can still have a little bit of our summer because I really want to hang out with my friends and have fun. I also wanted to travel, but those travel plans might have to wait awhile. Online school is a lot more work than regualr school, and a lot more unhealthy. I have to sit in front of a screen for hours trying to finish my school work everyday. I hope summer is just fun and I can work out a lot more. Next year, I hope that things will calm down and I can go to physical school again, although that might not happen. I just want to have a fun and normal high school experience. Sports and other activites have also been cancelled for awhile and I hope I can play those again soon. There have also been other problems like murder hornets, protests, and fires so hopefully when you are reading this it is better. I just hope you stay safe and remember to have fun with people because you never know what will happen in the future☺☺☺☺.

My Last Blog // Letter to my future self

Dear old Gabby, This year has been one of the most surpring and craziest years ever!!!(and it is only the beginning of the year). The begi...